Preferences Tab

These are preferences that apply to the company. The Preferences tab allows you to:

  • Select a company lodgement reference to appear on bank statements
  • Define the company workflow defaults, as used by HR3's kiosk module
  • Attach a company logo to include on printed documentation.

Editing the Company Preferences:

  1. In Navigator select Company | Maintain Company Details.
    The Company screen will open.
  2. Click on the Preferences Tab.
  3. Edit the following details as required:
Field Explanation
General Preference
Dollar Based Leave Accrual

This setting is only used in certain types of industries (such as abattoirs) where leave is not accrued in hours but in dollar values instead.

Switching on dollar based leave accruals when it is not relevant will cause payroll-payroll to display additional screen entries throughout the system. These settings are irrelevant for most companies and may lead to unnecessary complexity. Please check with HR3 support staff to ascertain if this setting is relevant for your organization.

Max FTE Individual

This option is used with the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) functions in HR3's hr module. It specifies the maximum workload which can be placed on any employee in order to fulfil a full-time position. For example if employees strictly work a 5 day week, then the maximum is 1.000, but if a position may be required to work back on a Saturday, then the maximum FTE is 1.2000. This helps determine the level of staffing required for positions in the HRpack. Enter the maximum time allocation in FTE's allowed per individual.

See Position Details for more information.

Banking Preference
Lodgement Ref This will be used as the default reference for payroll lodgements. It will appear on the bank statement of each employee who is paid by EFT. You should also ensure that the correct lodgement reference is filled in for each company bank account you have set up.
Workflow Defaults
Enable Workflows Select if you want to enable the Workflows facility for hr and kiosk
Default Approver Enter the name of the person responsible for approving leave, leave, etc.
Approver Description This field will auto-fill
Approver Company This field will auto-fill
Auto generated Super Items
Add to Payroll Tax and W/Comp definitions: Select if you want the system to automatically generate your Superfund items.
Prefix the Pay Item codes with: By default, Super Pay Items are prefixed with 'S'. This allows for a maximum of 99 Super Pay Items, so you may specify a new prefix here if necessary, or if preferred. This will not impact on existing Super Pay Items.
Default the GL settings from the Pay Item: Select an existing employer % based pay item. This will be used as a default for the GL settings when "SR" employer super pay items are auto-generated (this occurs when you create a new super fund).
Employee Defaults
Casual emp's - default 'Accrue Leave' to 'True' in Add Employee Wizard Select this option if you want to automatically accrue leave for casual employees who are being added to the system.
Increment next sequential employee number (EmpNo) from

This option allows you to specify the next available EmpNo for the company you are currently viewing.

It is possible to have this set globally (i.e. across all companies within the database). See System Preferences - General: Enabled for details.

Background Colour If preferred you may select a background colour for each company. This may assist with distinguishing between companies when maintaining data.
Company Logo Insert your company logo here to have it display on each payslip generated. (Right mouse click on the grey space and select Add Photo from the menu displayed.) The logo must be in a .jpg or .png format. The system will automatically scale the image to fit the allocated space on the payslip, though it is advisable to preview a payslip to test readability.